the role of games and
interactive entertainment in society
4/5 April 2019
one birdcage walk

Can Games Rule the World?
Paul Gardner
Partner, Wiggin

Video Games and Societies: Do Cultural Nuances Influence Our Choice of Title to Play?
Tamara Sakolchyk
Senior Counsel
Wargaming Group Limited

Games, Research, Policy and Politics in Higher Education Today
Andrew Phelps
Professor of Art & Design
Rochester Institute of Technology

Loot Boxes & the Risks of Randomised Monetisation
Dr Gaetano Dimita
Senior Lecturer in International Intellectual Property Law, CCLS, QMUL

Panel: Perceptions, Misconceptions & Reality: How Video Games are understood
Jonathan Elmergreen
Executive Director

Panel: Perceptions, Misconceptions & Reality: How Video Games are understood
Nav Sunner
Founder & CEO, Navatron

Language and life through video games: interaction, context and story
Dr Colleen Cotter
Reader in Media Linguistic

Video Games and Societies: Do Cultural Nuances Influence Our Choice of Title to Play?
Yahor Yefanau
General Counsel
Awem Games

Loot Boxes & the Risks of Randomised Monetisation
Professor Jon Festinger QC
Centre for Digital media, Allard School of Law UBC, Honorary Industry Professor, CCLS, QMUL

Panel: Perceptions, Misconceptions & Reality: How Video Games are understood
Beata Sobkow
Associate, Harbottle & Lewis

Panel: Perceptions, Misconceptions & Reality: How Video Games are understood
Magnus Anderson
Video Game Historian

Panel: The evolution of the video game ecosystem
Sean F. Kane
Partner, Frankfurt Kurnit

The Political Economy of Twitch
Prof. Mia Consalvo
Canada Research Chair in Game Studies & Design, Concordia University
Panel: The evolution of the video game ecosystem
Ann Becker
Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Interactive Software Federation Europe - ISFE

Playing in the Clouds: Technologies, Services and Legal Implications
Prof. Christopher Millard
Professor of Privacy and Information Law, CCLS, QMUL

Panel: The evolution of the video game ecosystem
Canon Pence
General Counsel
Epic Games

Panel: The evolution of the video game ecosystem
Patrick Sweeny
Partner, IELaw

Panel: The evolution of the video game ecosystem
Jas Purewal
Partner, Purewal & Partners

Players relationships in times of AI
Micaela Mantegna
Researcher, Center for Technology and Society, San Andres University

Detox Games
Dr Andreas Lober
Partner, Beiten Burkhardt

Fireside Chat: Restrictions on creativity - protection of minors and consumer protection
Wojtek Ropel
Partner, Beiten Burkhardt

Panel: Athletes, Influencers and Cheaters: how to deal with (celebrity) players?
Isabel Davies
Associate, Purewal & Partners

Panel: Athletes, Influencers and Cheaters: how to deal with (celebrity) players?
Kostyantyn Lobov
Senior Associate
Harbottle & Lewis

Data Accuracy
Dr Willy Duhen
International Legal and Privacy Activision Blizzard

Fireside Chat: Restrictions on creativity - protection of minors and consumer protection
Tom Harding
Partner, Osborne Clarke

Panel: Athletes, Influencers and Cheaters: how to deal with (celebrity) players?
Konstantin (Konni) Ewald
Partner, Osborne Clarke

Panel: Athletes, Influencers and Cheaters: how to deal with (celebrity) players?
Nic Murfett
Director & Counsel,
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.

You know what? I'm API !
Dr Cédric Manara
Senior Copyright Counsel and Head of the Copyright Team

A lost destiny or world of warcraft? Unlocking the hidden power of designs
Rosie Burbidge
Partner, Gunnercooke LLP

Panel: Video Games as Pop Culture
Rafal Kłoczko
Chief Counsel
CD Project Red

Panel: Video Games as Pop Culture
Leonard Bendel
Associate General Counsel

Panel: Retro and Video Game Preservation
Professor Uma Suthersanen
Chair of International Intellectual Property Law, CCLS, QMUL

Panel: Retro and Video Game Preservation
Ewelina Jarosz-Zgoda
Legal Counsel, GOG.com

Fireside Chat: Video Game Patents: Underestimated, Understudied and Underused
Gwilym Roberts
Partner, Kilburn & Strode

Fireside Chat: Video Game Patents: Underestimated, Understudied and Underused
Ross Dannenberg
Partner, Banner & Witcoff

Panel: Video Games as Pop Culture
Juliette Auverny-Bennetot
Senior legal Counsel

Panel: Video Games as Pop Culture
Dimiter Gantchev
Deputy Director of the Creative Industries Division, WIPO

Panel: Retro and Video Game Preservation
Dr Yin Harn Lee
Lecturer, University of Sheffield

Socially Responsible Game Development: A To-Do List
Dr Kimberly Voll
Principal Designer / Head of Player Dynamics, Riot Games

Regulation and Governmental interference
Andrea Rizzi
Partner, Insight Studio Legale

A fresh look at the law of the virtual world
Professor Chris Reed
Professor of E-Commerce Law

Ethical and Normative Rules for AI Enabled Content
Prof Jon Festinger QC
Centre for Digital media, Allard School of Law UBC, Honorary Industry Professor, CCLS, QMUL

A fresh look at the law of the virtual world
Daria Firsava
Senior Intellectual Property Counsel