second edition
8 April 2016
centre for commercial law studies
Scott M. Kelly, Attorney, Banner & Witcoff, Game Cloning: Intellectual Property Theft? or Fair Use?
Dr Andreas Lober, Partner, Beiten Burkhardt, Fighting Bots, Pirate Servers and Other Enemies of Online Games
creative use of third parties’ intellectual property panel
Chair: The Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob, Sir Hugh Laddie Chair of Intellectual Property Law, UCL
Alessandro Cimaschi, Intellectual Property, Legal & Business Affairs, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
Robert Guthrie, Partner, Osborne Clarke
Dr Joan Purvis, Head of Rights, BBC World Service Group
Arty Rajendra, Partner, Rouse Legal
Craig Fletcher, Founder and CEO, Multiplay, E-Sport
Professor Jon Festinger QC, Festinger Law & Strategy LLP, Legal Contradictions Manifest in Video Game Worlds: Through the Post-Structuralist Looking Glass
end user license agreements and terms of service panel
Chair: Paul Gardner, Partner, Osborne Clarke LLP
Dr Yin Harn Lee, Lecturer, University of Sheffield
Anna Klingberg, IP Enforcement, Mojang
Professor William Latham, Professor of Computer Games and Entertainment, Goldsmiths, University of London, and CEO Games Audit
Nicolas Murfett, Senior Associate, Harbottle & Lewis